Aanp Certification Test

The certification renewal process provides both the process to validate a certification and a mechanism to assure the public that nurse practitioners certified by aanpcb have met current professional standards of qualifications and knowledge for practice required to maintain certification as a nurse practitioner.
Aanp certification test. For aanp members ancc provides a discount rate of 340. Aanpcb was established to provide a valid and reliable program for entry level nps. The fnp certification examination is an entry level competency based examination that tests clinical knowledge in familyindividual across the life span prenatal pediatric adolescent adult older adult and elderly primary care. So i am another one of those graduated np students who has been trolling these boards endlessly looking for tips tricks on how to pass the aanp board exam.
Aanpcb is an independent nonprofit organization separately incorporated from aanp. The family np and adult gerontology np certification programs are accredited by the accreditation board of specialty nursing certification absnc and the national commission for certifying agencies ncca. As of june 17th 2017 i passed the examit was a grueling 30 seconds as i waited for the results to print out to find out whether i passed or failed and it honestly felt like a dream when i saw the capitalized letters. At the time of this writing the testing fee for an aanp exam by an aanp member is 240.
The a gnp certification examination is an entry level competency based examination that tests clinical knowledge of young adults including adolescents and emancipated minors adults elderly and frail elderly. The testing fee for an ancc exam is 295 for ana members and 395 for nonmembers.