Abwm Wound Certification

Such associates shall be referred to as certified wound care associate of the abwm and shall be entitled to use the designation cwca after their name.
Abwm wound certification. The abwm shall grant associate status to those individuals who successfully pass the national board certification examination for wound management professionals or associates. The american board of wound management abwm offers three certifications that are nationally accredited by the national commission for certifying agencies ncca. The purpose of the american board of wound management is to administer a certification process that elevates the standard of care across the continuum of wound management. Elevate your status as a specialist in wound care.
These certifications are the cwca certified wound care associate cws certified wound specialist and cwsp certified wound specialist physician. The american board of wound management abwm is the only multidisciplinary wound care certification accredited by the national commission for certifying agencies ncca and while others have sought to read more. It is the only recommended review course by the abwm foundation and is a tool to assist you in preparation for certified wound care associate cwca certified wound specialist cws and certified wound specialist physician cwsp certifications.