Certificate Of Occupancy

Depending on what the structure is used for this could be occupancy by a residential tenant by a commercial tenant or by a retail store and its customers.
Certificate of occupancy. A temporary certificate of occupancy shall expire six months from the date of issuance or at an earlier date if specified thereon. Certificate of occupancy information is now online now customers are able to view information about their certificate of occupancy cofo status in the permit inspection report under certificate of occupancy information for each address. A temporary certificate of occupancy may at the discretion of the department of state be renewed an indefinite number of times. A certificate of occupancy is the key document used to certify the legal use and occupancy of a building.
The certificate describes how a building may be occupied for example a two family home a parking lot a 40 unit multiple dwelling or a store. A certificate of occupancy serves as proof that a property has complied with all standards and codes and is now fit for occupancy. New buildings must have a co and existing buildings must have a current or amended co when there is a change in use egress or type of occupancy. A certificate of occupancy co states a buildings legal use andor type of permitted occupancy.