Excel Worksheet C

Read edit excel spreadsheets in c no need for ms office or excel interop supports net core framework azure.
Excel worksheet c. Add new worksheet in excel file you can programmatically insert a worksheet and then add that worksheet to the collection of worksheets in the existing workbook. Related tutorial class documentation. Worksheets 1 is the first leftmost worksheet in the workbook and worksheets worksheetscount is the last one. Epplus is a net library that reads and writes excel files using the open office xml format xlsx.
The last used row in excel can be calculated using the specialcells method with the xlcelltypelastcell parameter. Creating report files in excel format is a feature that many users need out of their software applications. That is in the excel object model these events are defined in the microsoftofficeinteropexcelapplication class rather than the microsoftofficeinteropexcelworksheet interface. The worksheet name is shown on the tab for the worksheet.
An ironxlworksheet represents one page or tab within that file. An ironxlworkbook represents and entire excel xlsx or xls file. In this example we have opened the first worksheet using mybooksheets1. By default every workbook created has three worksheets.
Use the name property to set or return the worksheet name. The following program shows how to add a new worksheet to an existing excel file. All worksheets are included in the index count even if theyre hidden.