Fiber Training Certification

These certifications are typically progressive levels and show competency in hands on skills and technical knowledge.
Fiber training certification. Fiber u began as a training conference run by fotec the fiber optic test equipment company started by jim hayes now foa president. This fiber optic training combines theory and 85 hands on activities to prepare the student to take the cfot certified fiber optic technician test that is sanctioned by the foa fiber optics association and given and graded the final class day. Our instructors arent just teachers theyre field experienced technicians and engineers who have seen it all and done it all. Fiber optic communication is a rapidly growing market.
Cfot certified fiber optic technician is the primary foa certification for all fiber optic technicians. For international training contact us directly for the latest schedule. As of january 1 2018 navsea certification is mandatory training for any person that is currently or has the potential to perform navy shipboard fiber optics installation. Below is a table showing our class schedules for courses taught in the united states and canada.
We develop and deliver critical training that provides the fiber optic knowledge and the field installation splicing and testing skills you need to get the job done right. Click on the links below for our training schedules east and west coast registration and our informative brochure. Fiber u combined lectures by many highly knowledgeable instructors and had participating manufacturers to provide hands on training on their equipment. Light brigade offers a wide range of classes at locations around the world.
Our standing as a world class fiber optic training organization has been earned with 30 years in business and 60000 people trained. Receive the certification to progress to higher levels in electrical engineering communications technology and related fields. This arinc feec certification is based mainly on the arinc report 805 5 with aspects of 803 3 806 721 and 807 4 of the sae international recognized standards. The fiber school is one of the worlds most recognized valued and experienced institutions for fiber optic training and certification.
Cfots have a broad knowledge skills and abilities ksas in fiber optics that can be applied to almost any job design installation operation and for almost any application using fiber optic communications. Many of our classes are eligible for independent certifications through third party industry organizations and groups.