Lean Design Certification

The lean design institute is an international collaboration of leading lean process improvement experts.
Lean design certification. Online training and certification for lean specialists. Many different key players need to be involved in the product redesign or new concept phase to truly develop a lean design. Six sigma webinar training. Learn the lean design methodology directly from the original founders of the concept.
Mixed model line design online course. We recommend however that you at least read the complete guide to mixed model line design first to get familiar with the specifics of the methodology. Mixed model material management. We wish for every individual willing to embark on a journey towards six sigma to grab the opportunity of training and certification through our large pool of training offerings.
Otherwise even for an experienced lean practitioner the chances of passing the certification process will be low. Our lean design training consistently drives product design engineers manufacturing costing and the management team to break through greater levels of innovation in their new products or redesigns. Introducing the worlds first official lean design certification course. Our lean design training consistently drives product design engineers manufacturing costing and the management team to break through greater levels of innovation in their new products or redesigns.
Mixed model line design certification.