Oracle Apex Email Template

In order to call the apexmail package from outside the context of an application express application you must call apexutilsetsecuritygroupid as in the following example.
Oracle apex email template. 1321411 generic column templates. Oracle application express includes two types of report templates. Provide dynamic text in your email templates using existing substitution modifiers. Before you can send email from an application your instance administrator must log in to oracle application express administration services navigate to the instance settings page and configure email attributes.
Attachment attachlist templateid must be id of an email template targetobjid must be a contact user lead id also used in merge fields of template recipientxxxx whatid must be an sobject that is used in the merge fields of the template relatedtoxxxx fromid if non null use current. Oracle application express apex is a low code development platform that enables you to build stunning scalable secure apps with world class features that can be deployed anywhere. Email template in apex class. About configuring oracle application express to send email.
Use apexmailsend to send an outbound email message from your application. If your oracle application has email capabilities you probably had a hard time formatting your stuff. For security reason. Oracle application express installs the database job oracleapexmailqueue which periodically sends all mail messages stored in the active mail queue.
132141 about generic column templates and named column templates. A generic column template determines the appearance of a report by defining the look of the column once. This look is then. Apexmail contains three procedures.
Most of the time my applications were sending text only based emails for the sake of developing simplicity.