Positive Self Talk Worksheet Pdf

Theyre based on the principles of cognitive behavioral therapy commonly referred to as cbt.
Positive self talk worksheet pdf. Automatic thoughts from therapist aid. Teach your clients to challenge their negative thoughts and self talk using this cbt worksheet. We can say these encouraging words to ourselves and be our own personal coach. In this worksheet your client will be asked to take a step back and consider their situation and thoughts from a new perspective such as that from a friend.
Sometimes people use negative self talk so often that they begin to believe it. Positive self talk self talk can be positive or negativeit can either nourish or weaken your self confidence. 5 cbt worksheets for challenging negative self talk and automatic thoughts. Help them put a stop to negative thoughts with cognitive behavioral therapy cbt techniques and our negative thought stopping worksheet.
Negative self talk can result in unnecessary stress anxiety depression self doubt etc. On the left hand side with the heading bad self talk make a list of all the bad self talk you engage in and the negative things you say about yourself. In this worksheet your client will be asked to take a step back and consider their situation and thoughts from a new perspective such as that from a friend. Your self talk whether you are aware of it or not either sabotages negative or supports positive you.
Reframing critical self talk worksheet. Good qualities and positive experiences. Each question is designed to lead your client to look at their negative thoughts more. Positive self talk encourages self confidence effective coping achievement and a general feeling of well being.
Find this gratitude journal as a pdf. A key to improving self esteem for your client is to challenge negative self talk. For practical ways to challenge and dispute negative automatic thinking one can try using one of these worksheets. On the right hand side write a new self talk that you.
This worksheet is great for clients who have. Teach your clients to challenge their negative thoughts and self talk using this cbt worksheet. We have all survived some very distressing times and we can use those experiences to encourage us through current difficulties. More worksheets similar to positive self talk positive self talk addiction spanish positive self talk positive self talk word search self talk how to change negative self talk into positive self talk negative self talk positve self talk postive self talk self talk rebt unhelpful self talk positive self self worth and self talk changing your.