Sex Education Certification

Some people feel that they have to major in human sexuality to become a sexuality educator but this major is offered at few colleges and universities and is not the only route.
Sex education certification. The options for sexual health sexual health educator certification shec program is a competency knowledge and performance based training. Having at least a bachelors degree is vital in becoming a sexuality educator but more and more are getting a prized masters degree before starting. Any class or webinar may be taken independently for credit or students can enroll in the certificate programs below. Certification by aasect as a sexuality educator counselor or therapist is a crucial step in ones professional advancement demonstrating to all that stringent requirements for training and experience have been met.
The mission of the sexual health certificate program is to provide comprehensive education and training to professionals about sexual health. Finding a mentor is a great way to be guided through the steps of becoming a sexual health educator. Teachers college sex education initiative for middle high school teachers held on the teachers college columbia university campus this fully funded program consists of a teacher training on sex education with a focus on reproductive identity formation rifthis specialized training supports the adolescent development of decision making and perspective taking skills for intentional. The get real teen council is a sexual health peer education program for high school students in massachusetts.
In addition our seamos honestos parent education program is offered in spanish and creates an environment of trust and comfort to help parents talk to their children about sex and sexuality. Upon approval from the sexuality educator certification committee the successful applicant will receive a certificate in recognition of having met aasect requirements for certification in the area of sexuality education. The certificate program will address the learning needs of sexuality educators sexuality counselors and sex therapists. The program is designed to prepare individuals to deliver comprehensive sexual health education sessions to a variety of audiences in the public and private sectors.
To promote that learning we conduct workshops and trainings in schools for students educators and parents and we also facilitate workshops for community members. As a peer educator you will receive intense training that enables you to educate and provide resources and referrals to other students on various health related issues often related to sexuality and relationships. Isee is an approved organizational provider of continuing education for the american association for sex educators counselors and therapists receiving ces does not guarantee aasect certification. A new certificate will be sent when renewal criteria are met.