Spcc Plan Certification

Every spcc plan must be certied by a professional engineer unless the owneroperator is able to and chooses to self certify the plan see section 7.
Spcc plan certification. With smaller oil storage capacity and that have not had oil spills. The owner or operator of a qualified facility can prepare and self certify an spcc plan rather than have a professional engineer pe review and certify the plan. The spcc rule has streamlined requirements for qualified facilities that is facilities. These facilities must meet the eligibility criteria for a qualified facility and have no individual aboveground oil storage containers greater than 5000 gallons.
There is a time when a pe needs to certify an spcc plan and according to the usepa its only if the plan is a full pe spcc plan. You need a pe to certify the spcc plan. No matter who certies your spcc plan remember that ultimately the owner or operator is responsible. Option to complete a self certified spcc plan template instead of a full spcc plan a tier i qualified facility owneroperator can choose to comply with either tier i or tier ii requirements or prepare a pe certified plan in accordance with all applicable requirements of 1127 and subparts b and c.
F personnel training and discharge prevention procedures. 1127 general requirements for spill prevention control and countermeasure plans. Your plan needs a professional engineer to sign off on it. Tier i qualified facility owners or operators can complete a self certified spill prevention control and countermeasure spcc plan template in lieu of a full spcc plan.
Training is one element of the spcc plan rule i see causing regular confusion. Before diving too far into todays conversation heres what the actual rule says. The option applies only if the states engineer licensing board allows certification of technical amendments without a pe. Remember oil petroleum only.
This is the only type of spcc plan that needs a pe signature unless you live in a state where the pe boards say you cant self certify. A licensed pe must certify any technical amendment to an spcc plan unless the facility is a tier i or tier ii qualified facility that has the option of preparing and certifying technical amendments without a pe. Lets get something straight right away. Oil gas diesel etc.
The spcc rule helps facilities prevent a discharge of oil into navigable waters or adjoining shorelines. But the only time youll need a professional engineer certified spcc plan is when you meet the following criteria. Every spcc plan must be prepared in accordance with good engineering practices.