Standard Precautions Certification

Standard precautions are the minimum infection prevention practices that apply to all patient care regardless of suspected or confirmed infection status of the patient in any setting where health care is delivered.
Standard precautions certification. We will now discuss what to do if that happens. Ashi aha certified cpr first aid and medical training. Theyre based on a risk assessment and make use of common sense practices and personal protective equipment use that protect healthcare providers from infection and prevent the spread of infection from patient to patient. Even if you practice standard precautions correctly there is still a chance that you will get exposed to an infectious disease.
Safe injection practices ie aseptic technique for parenteral medications. 01 jan 2020 535 am. Respiratory hygiene cough etiquette. Use of personal protective equipment eg gloves masks eyewear.
By signing the standard precautions training vendor attestation you declare you are currently a qualified trainer for this course and that you will conduct the training in the manner required by the office of early childhood and the occupational safety and health administration osha. Website for hand hygiene. Standard precautions are used for all patient care. You are required to watch the entire video.
These practices are designed to both protect dhcp and prevent dhcp from spreading infections among patients. Sharps safety engineering and work practice controls. Guideline for hand hygiene. Standard precautions cbrf training programs.
Section four learning scenarios 2019 length. Nurse consulting for child care professionals. Exclusive online standard precautions training. This online course is approved by the colorado office of early childhood and the colorado department of human services and meets the 2020 requirements for childcare employees.