Element Baby Book Birth Certificate

Birth weight atomic mass 6941 amu.
Element baby book birth certificate. Doctor discoverer johan a. Picture of element of protons is body of neutrons is legs of electrons is arm. This counts as a test grade. Element baby book project.
As a proud parent of your element you will create a baby book to remember each stage of your elements life. This project will count as. Name name of the element lithium. Element baby book project procedure and example.
Each child will make a baby book for their element with the following pages. Birth certificate name name of the element lithium. Fill out birth certificate and have parents sign page 3 10 points. For this project each student has been given an element on the periodic table to research.
As the proud new parent of your element you will create a baby book to remember each stage of your elements life. As the proud new parent of your element you will create a baby book to remember each stage of your elements life. Birth height atomic number 3. Name name of the element harry hydrogen.
Page 1 birth certificate 20pts. This project is worth 100 points. Race type of element metal non metal metalloid metal.